Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

We had an amazing weekend camping! Wonderful weather and great friends = a relaxing time. It was really hard to get back in the groove today.

And I played around with my camera:

Monday, April 21, 2008

Not so great at this . . .

Okay, so my blogging hasn't been the best. It gets pushed on the back burner when life is happening, which is pretty much all the time. :) The tennis shop opens tomorrow full-time so that has taken a LOT of my time. Then there were also soccer tryouts, baseball practices, band practices, small group gatherings not to mention the beautiful weather and the PHILLIES!

I'm tired - feeling it today. I think some of it is stress but it will work itself out.

I'll leave you with some pictures I took recently (did I mention I love my camera?) . . .

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Prayer Request

Please pray for Tricia: http://cfhusband.blogspot.com/


I just said goodbye to Tricia as they wheeled her into the OR. She should be falling to sleep now, and they'll begin ASAP, even before the new lungs arrive.

She was very calm and happy, thanks in large part to the pain meds that she has been on for the chest tube.

Agnes and I have been on our phones with people since we heard the news, and now we'll sit and wait. Don and my parents should be here within the next 3-4 hours.

Here at Duke, for CF patients, there is a 90-95% survival rate for the surgery itself. Tricia has a few more risks because she is still on a vent (it's very rare that any CFer gets transplanted while on a vent). We know that the new lungs are type O, which is the universal blood type.

I'm moving a few things to the car, and then spending some time with Gwyneth.

I've got the OR pager on my, but it literally won't be until they're all done that we'll hear anything. I'll post from now until then with some things that are in my head and on my heart.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. The next 7-9 hours (average for a double lung TX surgery) will be the most difficult of my entire life, and I can't tell you how much it means to know there are literally tens of thousands of people right here with us.

I praise God for what He has done, for what He is doing, and for what He is going to do.

Thank you.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Baseball's Back!

If you know me, you know I'm excited! Go Phillies!

Thanks to the generosity of some friends, Cal & I were able to attend the home opener yesterday. It was rainy and cold but I wouldn't have missed it - well, until the top of the 9th when it all fell apart and our substitute closer now has an ERA of 135.00 (if you're not a baseball fan, that is beyond bad). Still it was a great time - and I get to go again in June and see them play the BoSox!!! I am wondering if I could somehow be a ballgirl at the age of 36 so I could see more games . . .

I'll upload pictures as soon as I edit them.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Just life . . .

Well it's Friday and I haven't taken time to write this week. We had such an awesome weekend with my family in the Poconos last weekend. It was so relaxing and we made great memories. I haven't seen my dad that relaxed in so long and it was good for my heart.

Cal hasn't made any decisions concerning his job. It's so weird to go from begging for a job a year ago to having someone come and say "name your priced, we want you to work for us." It's stressful not knowing - neither one of us do good at not knowing. But I know it will work out and just need to be patient.

My job was actually a little stressful this week. It usually is so easy but with the new position I feel so unprepared and I can't seem to get anywhere. My boss is busy and always on the go so getting him to sit down and plan is a little difficult.

Please spring come! We are going to the Phillies home opener Monday but it's only supposed to be 55 with a chance of showers. Brrrrr. I am really hoping the forecasters are wrong on this one.

I'll leave with some pictures from this weekend.

Victorious after after easter egg hunting.

My dad (not bad for a 68-year-old, huh?), my brother, Erin & Nathan

Some of the deer we saw in the backyard.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Say "hi" to Izzy - my not quite one-year-old 12 lb. cat. And yes, she has personality!

Thursday, March 20, 2008


So I set up the counter on the right side out of curiosity - and now I'm even more curious trying to think of people I know in those cities . . .

So today's the first day of Spring? REALLY?!? It was 40 degrees here with a windchill below freezing and they are calling for snow tomorrow night. Okay then. It will come. It has to. Of course I'm hoping it will be here by the 31st when I get to attend the home opener for the Phillies! WOO HOO!

Looking forward to "Lost" tonight even though I have no clue what is going on after last week. Great name for a show because that's where it leaves all its viewers!

Guess I need to do some packing tonight . . . I'm afraid the kids are going to be up at 6 yelling "Is it time to go? Is it time to go?" Oy vey. Not going to happen since I have errands to do yet in the morning. That and I don't do mornings.

Now that I've started blogging again I completely have writer's block. Should I just write about my day? My plans? Should I be philosophical? Why am I writing this? I think I need to decide to write it for me not worrying about the audience as that very well could be just me. lol. I'm starting to think as I type that blogging may be a little egotistical. Anyone?

Maybe more later once the cold medicine kicks in . . .